Introduction to My Sac State
Continuing Sacramento State students and new students who have received notice of admission are eligible to register for classes. Registration is conducted online through the Student Center on My Sac State. Eligible students are assigned a registration appointment by class level priority. The Class Schedule is available online in March for fall semester. In most academic departments, advising begins in early March for fall semesters and in October for spring semesters.
Registration information will be communicated to all eligible students in April for fall semesters and November for Spring semesters. Summer registration begins April. The Academic Advising Center offers advising and registration assistance to newly admitted students during the orientation program prior to each fall and spring semester.
Students who miss their registration appointment may enroll during Open or Late Registration. There is a $25 fee for late registration. Course availability may be limited.
Once students register for classes, all registration fees must be paid by established deadlines. Failure to pay registration fees or make appropriate arrangements for payments will result in enrollment cancellation. Contact the Student Financial Services Center for payment deadlines.
Adding Courses
Students are expected to add courses by using "My Sac State" at www.my.csus.edu
- Until the end of the second week of the semester. Course adds that require instructor permission must be completed by using an add permit available from the academic department or at the Registrar's Office website (www.csus.edu/registrar/forms/index.html).
- Adds in weeks three and four of the semester are processed through the academic department and require approval by the instructor and department chair.
- Adds are not approved after week four (the census date) unless students present evidence of University error that prevented their timely registration. University error does not include failure to meet all payment deadlines. In addition to completing a late add petition, students must state their reason for a late add request on a separate page and attach it to the petition, along with verification of the circumstances. Students must then obtain signatures of the instructor, department chair, and college dean. See Petition to Add/Drop/Withdraw for more details.
- After filling out Petition to Add/Drop/Withdraw, students must submit the petition to the Registrar's Office, Lassen Hall 2000, for consideration by the vice president (or designee). A late fee of $10 will be collected (check/money order only). Check back with the Registrar's Office two business days after submitting. If the add is not approved, the fee will be returned to the student. If approved, the Registrar's Office will add the course to the student's schedule.
- Adds for audits must be noted on the petition, and the petition must be submitted to the Registrar's Office. No adds for audit are permitted after the census date.
Drop and Withdrawal Policy
Dropping a course refers to official removal from a course within the first four weeks of the semester (before census date). In this instance, nothing is recorded on the student's permanent record.
Withdrawal from a course is an official removal from a course after census date. A grade of "W" is recorded on the student's permanent record.
Enrollment Cancellation refers to students being administratively dropped from courses due to non-payment of fees. Enrollment Cancellation is done throughout the registration cycles prior to the census date. No "W" grades are recorded on the student's permanent record. If a student is enrollment cancelled during the first semester, they will be required to reapply for admission to the university.
Unauthorized Withdrawal may result for failure to drop or withdraw properly from a course. In this case, a grade of "WU" is assigned by the instructor. (See "Unauthorized Withdrawal Policy" below.)
Limit on Withdrawal. For all units attempted at California State University Sacramento, withdrawals made after the census date and prior to the last three weeks of instruction are limited to a combined total of no more than 18 semester-units during a student's academic career at CSUS.
The Student's Registration and Advising Guide will contain established University procedures and time lines for dropping and withdrawing from courses, and also information regarding refund of registration fees upon withdrawal.
Dropping Courses
Although instructors may exercise their authority to administratively remove any student who fails to attend during the first two weeks of instruction, students should not assume they will be dropped. Students will receive a final grade of "F" or "WU" in courses they fail to drop officially.
- Students wishing to withdraw from all courses should fill out the Semester Withdrawal Form.
- Until the end of the second week of instruction of the semester, students are expected to drop courses by using "My Sac State" (http://www.my.csus.edu). Students will be charged registration fees for all courses not dropped prior to the first day of instruction. The drop in units refund deadline is the end of the second week of instruction.
- Drops during the third and fourth weeks of instruction are processed in the academic department offering the course and require instructor and department chair approval. Forms are available at academic department offices, or at the Office of the Registrar's website (www.csus.edu/registrar/forms/index.html).
Withdrawal from a Course
Drops after the fourth week of the semester (census date) are called withdrawals. The approved Add/Drop/Withdrawal must be submitted to the Registrar's Office (Lassen Hall) after the fourth week. The petition is available through academic department offices, or at the Office of the Registrar's web site (www.csus.edu/registrar/forms/index.html).
- Students may withdraw from no more than 18 units in their undergraduate career, unless an exception is granted (any "W" grades received prior to the Fall 2010 semester do not count towards the 18 unit maximum).
- If students are seeking to drop or withdraw from an individual course or courses after the fourth week of the semester, and have reached the University maximum of 18 units of "W" grades allowable, they must submit an approved Petition to Add/Drop/Withdraw as a supplement to their Petition for Exception: Withdrawal in Excess of 18 units. This form is available at the Office of the Registrar's website (www.csus.edu/registrar/forms/index.html).
- Withdrawals after the fourth week of the semester are granted only for "serious and compelling" reasons:
- Withdrawal during the 5th and 6th week of the semester requires the signature of the course instructor and the department chair. Reasons for dropping in during this period include medical circumstances, carrying an excessive course load, student’s inadequate academic preparation for the course, or the student having significant job or career changes.
- Withdrawal during the 7th through the 12th week requires the signature of the course instructor, the department chair, and the college dean. Reasons for withdrawal during this period include only medical or work related circumstances clearly beyond the control of the student; a student initiated job change, carrying an excessive course load, or inadequate preparation do not qualify. Withdrawal is allowed after the 12th week of instruction only in exceptional cases, such as in cases of accident or serious illness due to circumstances beyond the student’s control. All signatures are required and the student must meet with an Academic Advisor in the Academic Advising Center. Withdrawals approved during the last three weeks of the semester will not count towards the 18 unit maximum; however, a grade of “W” is still recorded on the transcript.
Classroom attendance is generally necessary for academic success; therefore, regular attendance at class is expected. In some courses (for example, laboratories or seminars), attendance is absolutely critical to the work of the course. Students are advised that individual faculty may establish attendance policies in their courses and may link absences to their evaluation of students’ performance in the course. Such policies must be stated in the course syllabus made available at the beginning of the semester. Excessive absences may lead a faculty member to assign a “WU” or “F” grade.
In addition to academic consequences of non-attendance, some students will be subject to other penalties including ineligibility for or repayment of federal financial aid or educational benefits received on the premise of class attendance. Instructors will be asked to confirm the last date of attendance based on such factors as attendance in class, examinations, academic advisement, or study groups.
Cancellation of Registration or Withdrawal from the University
Academic Advising Center
Lassen Hall 1013
(916) 278-6351
Students who find it necessary to cancel their registration or to withdraw completely from Sacramento State after enrolling for any academic term are required to follow the University's official withdrawal procedures (see below). Failure to follow formal University procedures may result in an obligation to pay fees, the assignment of failing grades in all courses, and the need to apply for readmission before being permitted to enroll in another academic term. Information on canceling registration and withdrawal procedures is available from the Registrar's Office at (916) 278-8808.
Sacramento State students withdrawing for from all classes in a given semester must receive approval from the Academic Advising Center before leaving the University. Students withdrawing from one or some of the classes but not all for academic reasons must receive approval from the college dean of their major before leaving.
Students withdrawing after the fourth week of instruction will receive a grade of “W” in each class.
Students who are withdrawing because they are incapacitated and are unable to obtain approvals in person must contact the Academic Advising Center to discuss processing procedures. Verification of illness or accident should accompany a student’s request.
For information regarding refund of registration fees upon withdrawal, refer to Fees page http://www.csus.edu/aba/Student-Financial-Services/fees_deadlines_refunds.html.
Students who receive financial aid funds should consult with the Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawing from the University regarding required return or repayment of grant or loan assistance received for that academic term or period. If a recipient of student financial aid funds withdraws from the institution during an academic term or a payment period, the amount of grant or loan assistance received may be subject to return and/or repayment provisions.*
Withdrawals from the University during the final three weeks of the semester shall not be permitted except in cases such as accidents or serious illness, where the cause of withdrawal are clearly beyond the student's control, occurred after the 12th week of the semester, and the assignment of "Incomplete" grades each course is impractical. Medical documentation will be required.
A student who pays registration fees and subsequently withdraws usually is considered a continuing student for the next semester and need not reapply for admission.
*See Fees and Refunds/Financial Aid Refunds/Title IV.
Health Screening
Student Health Center
(916) 278-6461
Entering Sacramento State students are required to present proof of the following immunizations before the beginning of their first term of enrollment.
Measles and Rubella: All new and readmitted students must provide proof of full immunization against measles and rubella prior to enrollment.
Hepatitis B: All new students who will be 18 years of age or younger at the start of their first term at a CSU campus must provide proof of full immunization against Hepatitis B before enrolling. Full immunization against Hepatitis B consists of three timed doses of vaccine over a minimum 4 to 6 month period.
Meningococcal Disease Information: Each incoming freshman who will be residing in on-campus housing will be required to return a form indicating that they have received information about meningococcal disease and the availability of the vaccine to prevent contracting the disease and indicating whether or not the student has chosen to receive the vaccination.
Each incoming freshman who will be residing in on-campus housing will be required to return a form indicating that they have received information about meningococcal disease and the availability of the vaccine to prevent contracting the disease and indicating whether or not the student has chosen to receive the vaccination. These are not admission requirements, but are required of students as conditions of enrollment in CSU.
Immigration Requirements for Licensure
Office of the University Registrar
Office of the University Registrar
Student Services Counter
Lassen Hall Lobby
The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-193), also known as the Welfare Reform Act, includes provisions to eliminate eligibility for federal and state public benefits for certain categories of lawful immigrants as well as benefits for all illegal immigrants.
Students who will require a professional or commercial license provided by a local, state, or federal government agency in order to engage in an occupation for which the CSU may be training them must meet the immigration requirements of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act to achieve licensure.
Maximum Course Load
Because of the preparation required to do quality work, a normal course load is considered to be 15 to 17 units, depending on the curriculum in which the student is enrolled. A maximum of 14 units may be requested through My Sac State. Students who want to accelerate their programs may enroll for a maximum of 21 units in a semester by adding courses during the change-of-program period, known as Open Registration.
Students whose University record justifies a course load in excess of 21 units may petition to be allowed to carry extra units. The petition must be recommended by their advisor and approved by their major department chair and college dean. Only students with superior academic records are allowed to enroll for more than the maximum unit load. An overall grade point average of at least 3.25 is normally required, and the need to carry an overload must be established. Factors such as time spent in employment or commuting, nature of the program, and the student’s health should be considered in planning a student load. Students who are employed full time are advised not to carry a load in excess of 6 units.
Transitory or Concurrent Enrollment
Office of the University Registrar
2000 Lassen Hall
Students enrolled at any CSU campus will have access to courses at other CSU campuses on a space available basis unless those campuses/programs are impacted or desired programs/admission categories are closed. This access is offered without students being required to be admitted formally to the host campus and sometimes without paying additional fees. Although courses taken on any CSU campus will transfer to the student's home CSU campus as elective credit, students should consult their home campus academic advisors to determine how such courses may apply to their specific degree programs before enrolling at the host campus.
There are two programs for enrollment within the CSU and one for enrollment between CSU and the University of California or California Community Colleges. Pleas contact the Office of the University Registrar, Student Services Counter, Lassen Lobby for additional information.
Students are not required to notify the University of their intention to discontinue enrollment unless applying for a Leave of Absence or one of the special statuses explained below.*
*Refer to Application to Sacramento State/Returning Student.
Visitor within CSU
Matriculated students in good standing enrolled at one CSU campus may enroll at another CSU campus for one term. Credit earned at the host campus is reported at the student's request to the home campus to be included on the student's transcript at the home campus. Students should consult Sacramento State advisors to determine how host campus courses may apply to their degree programs before enrolling.
Visitor transfers are approved for one term only and are subject to space availability and enrollment priority policies at the host campus. Enrollment as a visitor transfer may be repeated after re-enrollment at the home campus. Concurrent enrollment (see below) is not permitted during visitor status. Visitor applications may be obtained from the Office of Registrar, Student Services Counter, Lassen Lobby.
Concurrent Enrollment Within CSU
Matriculated students in good standing enrolled at any CSU campus may enroll on a space available basis at both their home CSU campus and a host CSU campus during the same term. Credit earned at the host campus is reported at the student's request to the home campus to be included on the student's transcript at the home campus. Many online courses at CSU campus are available for concurrent enrollment. Because of overlap in academic terms of campuses on semester and quarter calendars, concurrent enrollment is subject to combinations and conditions described in the concurrent enrollment application forms available from the Office of the University Registrar, Student Services Counter, Lassen Lobby.
Cross Enrollment at University of California or California Community College
matriculated CSU, UC, or community college students may enroll on a “space available” basis for one course per term at another CSU, UC, or community college and request that a transcript of record be sent to the home campus.
Cross enrollment is available to students who:
1. are California residents;
2. have completed at least one regular term at their home campus as a matriculated student;
3. have paid appropriate enrollment fees at the home campus for the current term;
4. have earned a grade point average of 2.0 (“C” average) for all college work completed; and
5. have completed appropriate academic preparation for the course they intend to take, as determined by the host campus.
Details on enrollment conditions and procedures are available from the Registrar’s Office at the home campus. Students must request a transcript of record be sent to the home campus upon completion of the term.
Concurrent Enrollment Outside CSU
Degree Evaluations Office
Office of the University Registrar
Lassen Hall Lobby
(916) 278-4862
Students may enroll at another institution outside the CSU system while enrolled at Sacramento State without prior approval if the total course load does not exceed 21 units. Students must arrange to have an official transcript mailed to Sacramento State, Transfer Credit Evaluations, Office of the University Registrar, upon completion of the term. It is advisable to confirm that courses attempted elsewhere will be transferable and meet Sacramento State requirements.
Concurrent Enrollment Within Sacramento State
Concurrent registration, also known as Open University, is enrollment in on-campus courses through the College of Continuing Education. The formal application for admission, application fee, and supporting documents are not required for concurrent registration.* Open University registration is not available to matriculated degree seeking students.
*Refer to Research, Graduate and Extended Programs/College of Continuing Education.
Leaves of Absence
The leave policy allows enrolled Sacramento State undergraduate and second baccalaureate students to maintain enrollment eligibility and rights to specified degree requirement options.* Unclassified postbaccalaureate students are allowed to maintain enrollment status while exploring goals away from the University. The policy also allows classified graduates (those enrolled in master’s degree programs) to maintain status in their programs during an absence. Sacramento State students who will not be enrolled at Sacramento State may file for a Leave of Absence to receive these benefits. Forms to apply for a Leave of Absence are available from the Office of the University Registrar.
Sacramento State students studying abroad through independent programs should contact the Office of Global Education for information.
As required by law, regulations regarding admission eligibility, established by the California State University Board of Trustees, will apply to re-admission. Students dismissed due to academic deficiencies or disciplinary action are not eligible for Leaves of Absence. (However, students readmitted to Sacramento State after only one semester of non-enrollment maintain catalog rights.) Students enrolled only in Extension courses or as Auditors are not eligible for Leaves of Absence.
Leaves approved for graduate students do not extend the seven year time limit for completion of graduate degree requirements established by Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Section 40510. Graduate students anticipating absence beyond such time limits must first seek approval through the Office of Graduate Studies, (916) 278-6470.
Enrolled Sacramento State students requesting leaves during a semester must follow withdrawal procedures. All contractual agreements (housing, financial aid, etc.) must be satisfactorily terminated.
*Refer to Baccalaureate Degree Requirements/Catalog Rights.
Types of Leaves
Medical. Requests must be accompanied by a statement from a medical doctor explaining why the student must interrupt enrollment. No limit exists on the number of semesters of absence allowed, except leaves for pregnancy, which are restricted to the semester of delivery and the one following. An application and fee are required at readmission following a leave of two or more semesters.
Military. Requests must be accompanied by a copy of military orders indicating induction or transfer date. Eight semesters absence is the maximum that can be approved. An application and fee are required at readmission for a leave of two or more semesters.
Planned Educational Leave. Students may petition for planned educational leaves to pursue educationally related activities that will enhance the prospect of successful completion of their academic programs but which may not require enrollment at Sacramento State or any other institution of higher education. A planned educational leave may be granted for a period of up to two years to students who apply while enrolled in a degree program at Sacramento State. If the leave is approved, the student retains degree catalog rights and may enroll as a continuing student provided the student notifies the Office of the University Registrar of her/his return and registers in the same semester indicated on the petition.
Personal. Students who for personal reasons are temporarily unable to continue their program of studies may request a leave of absence for a specific period of time not to exceed two semesters. After reaching the two semester limit, students who are requesting to extend their leave of absence status must file a request to extend on the Leave of Absence petition for no more than an additional two semesters. Four semesters of absence is the maximum that can be approved for personal reasons. If the leave is approved, the student retains degree catalog rights. The student may enroll as a continuing student provided the student notifies the Office of the University Registrar of her/his return and registers in the same semester as indicated on the petition. However, an application and fee are required for formal readmission for a leave of two or more semesters.
One Semester Only. Sacramento State students who are not enrolled for one semester at Sacramento State are considered as on a leave of absence. Students who return after being absent for one semester do not have to file for readmission or pay the application fee, keep their catalog rights for undergraduate students and maintain classified status for graduate students. (Exception: graduate students who have completed all coursework and have received an "RP" in their culminating experience are required to enroll in Continuous Enrollment. Further information is available at the Office of Graduate Studies.) Students who do not enroll for two consecutive semesters without filing for a Leave of Absence are not considered as continuing students. Students must reapply for admission and pay the application fee. All application deadlines must be followed for consideration for readmission.
Enrollment at Regionally Accredited Colleges
Once catalog rights are established by enrollment at a California State University or California Community College (CCC), enrollment at a regionally accredited college maintains these catalog rights if two conditions are met:
1. enrollment takes place at the regionally accredited college for one semester or two quarters of each calendar year after leaving a CCC or Sacramento State; and
2. enrollment or re-enrollment at Sacramento State occurs within or at the end of a four-semester maximum absence.
Students attending regionally accredited colleges while absent from Sacramento State do not qualify for a Leave of Absence.
Definition of Key Terms
Academic Action — When a student’s academic performance does not meet the University’s minimum scholastic standards, he/she will be subject to academic action that will affect eligibility to register.
Academic Program — A pattern of specialized courses designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue a specific career or advanced study. See list of academic programs (or majors).
Career — There are three designated academic careers for which transcripts are maintained: Undergraduate, Graduate, and College of Continuing Education (extension).
My Sac State — The access portal for student, faculty, and staff specific information and services. Students access specific information in the Student Center. Faculty access specific information in the Faculty Center.
Class Level — A student’s class level based on units completed or academic program objective. Undergraduate class levels are:
Freshman, less than 30 units;
Sophomores, 30 to 59.9 units completed;
Juniors, 60 to 89.9 units completed; and
Seniors, 90 or more units completed.
Graduate students are those who have graduated with a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university.
Computer Proficiency — Courses using the various forms of computers and labeled as such will include a notice within the catalog description identifying the specific knowledge requirement as listed below:
- MAC-OS: start-up procedures, icon usage, file management, mouse input, print, backup, formatting, and copying.
- PC-DOS: start-up procedures, disk formatting and copying, print, directory listing, and program access.
- UNIX: log-in procedures, directory navigation, print, copy, run programs, and file management.
- VMS: log-in procedures, directory navigation, print, copy, run programs, and file management.
Corequisite — A corequisite is a course or other preparation which must be taken simultaneously. Corequisites are listed in the course description.
Course Number System
- 1-99 Lower Division
- 100-199 Upper Division
- 200-299 Graduate
- 300-499 Professional Education
- 500-599 Master’s or Doctoral Thesis or Project
- 600-699 Doctoral
Double Major — Students may obtain a baccalaureate degree with two majors by completing the requirements for both majors. Multiple majors will be recorded on the student’s permanent record and if the student has completed the requirements for two or more majors leading to different baccalaureate degrees, those degrees and completed major(s) shall be acknowledged on the diploma and official transcript.
Earned Hours — The number of academic units completed that may apply toward degree requirements.
Electives — Courses which may be selected by the student to complete total-unit requirements. In some cases, major requirements include electives, i.e., a given number of courses in the major to be selected by the student.
Full-Time Status — Undergraduate students enrolled in 12 or more units are considered full-time. Graduate students enrolled in 8 or more units are considered full-time. Note: off-campus agencies may use different definitions for determining full-time status.
Minor — The minor is a pattern of courses similar to the major, but less comprehensive. Only a few majors at Sacramento State require a minor, but students who have a substantial number of elective units in their degree program should consider applying them to a minor. The number of units required for a minor varies with the department; most minors require approximately 21 units. Requirements are listed in each department’s section of this catalog. A minor is posted to the official transcript but does not appear on the diploma. Minor requirements completed after graduation are not posted to the official transcript.
OneCard — Sacramento State’s digital-image identification card for students. It allows students to access campus services and also functions as a debit card.
Part-Time Status — Undergraduate students enrolled in 6-11 units are considered part-time. Enrollment in less than 6 units is considered less than part-time. Graduate students enrolled in 4-7 units are considered part-time. Enrollment in less than 4 units is considered less than part-time.
Prerequisite — A prerequisite is a course or other preparation which must be completed before enrollment in an advanced course. When applicable, prerequisites are included in catalog course descriptions.
Unit — A unit represents approximately one hour of class instruction each week for one semester. Semesters usually have 15 weeks of instruction with final examinations held on the 16th week. For example, History 17A, having a value of three units, would meet three hours each week for a total of 45 hours of instruction. The terms “unit” and “credit hour” are used interchangeably.